Castleman Quartet Program

String Applications
Summer 2025 Dates
CQP East:
Full Session: June 8 - July 27
Session 1: June 8 - June 29 Session 2: June 29 - July 20
Sonata Week: July 20 - July 27
CQP West:
July 20- August 10
Audition requirements
Please submit a video recording of15 minutes of 2 contrasting works. Videos may be submitted as a DVD, video file attachment, or YouTube link(preferred).
Application Deadline
String applications for the summer 2023 sessions must be submitted by March 1, 2025. Piano applications must be submitted by March 31, 2025. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance status by mid-March. If accepted, applications must pay a deposit to hold their place, with the remaining tuition due by April 30th.
Please submit the online application form or send applications to Charles Castleman at The application fee for applicants in the US is $50. Fee for applicants outside of the US is $65. Applicants should send fee payments in the form of a check to "Quartet Program" at 520 Brickell Key Dr Unit A1913, Miami FL 33131.
Application form
Please indicate first and second choices of session dates for which you are available.
Applicants may mail or email the form to Charles Castleman or submit the online form.
Fees for Tuition + Room and Board
Single session (3 weeks) cost: $3,950
Session 2 + Sonata week cost: $4,700
2 Sessions, no sonata week (6 weeks): $7000
Full Session (7 weeks) cost: $8,000
The cost for 3 weeks for participants awarded the Special Scholarship is $750 for family Adjusted Gross income under $50,000, and $850 for family AGI income from $50,000 to $70,000 (according to IRS form1040 year 2024)